
  • My preferred name is Jonny Blanco
  • I live in Yonkers NY
  • I usually get to campus by driving from home. It usually takes me about 20 minutes to get to campus from home.
  • I am most fluent in English and Spanish
  • If you hold a job – I work at Edmond Lee apartment complex for about 32 – 40 hours per week.
  • Someone I know who has earned a college degree is my brother
  • Something I’ve done that I’m proud of is graduating high school
  • In my free time I enjoy doing spending time with friends and family
  • Three of my favorite things are exercising, sketching and music
  • One of my favorite visual artists or designers is Edgar degas
  • Something I like about college is it opens doors to better opportunities
  • Something I don’t like about college is that sometimes there is excessive assignments
  • Other courses I’m taking this semester are drawing 101, political science, trigonometry, English 101
  • Are you looking to earn a degree at Westchester Community College? If so, about how close are you to completing it? yes I am, and this is my first semester
  • I chose to enroll in 2D Design because I took a graphic design class in high school and I was interested in it.
  • Something I’d like to learn in 2D Design is whatever the course provides
  • The final grade I’d like to earn in 2D Design is at least
  • I expect to spend about 5 – 6 hours per week on homework for 2D Design.
  • In five years I would like to have my own personal clothing line
  • Three adjectives others might use to describe me are humble, creative, imaginative